The Society’s Internal Regulations

In addition to the rule’s regulatory activities of the scientific societies in King Saud University, and in accordance with the 9th article paragraph No. (1) of these rules, thereinafter follow the internal controls directing/and governing the activities of the Saudi Society for Food Science and Nutrition.

Article 1


The following terms will denote the corresponding meaning of each term unless otherwise indicated.

Society: Saudi Food and Nutrition Society.

General Society: General Assembly of the Saudi Society for Food and Nutrition.

Rules Regulating Societies: Rules regulating scientific societies in Saudi universities.

Internal Rules: Internal rules regulating the Saudi Society for Food and Nutrition.

Board of Directors, Administrative Board: The Administrative Board for the Saudi Society for Food and Nutrition.

President: President of the Saudi Food and Nutrition Society, President of its General Society, and Chairman of the Board of Directors

Deputy Vice-President: Vice-president of the Saudi Society for Food and Nutrition

Secretary / Trustee: Secretary of board of directors of the Saudi Society for Food and Nutrition

Financial Trustee: Financial guardian of the Saudi Society for Food and Nutrition

University: King Saud University.

Article 2

Name of the society of activity and site (locality)

The Saudi Society for Food and Nutrition is an administratively, financially in dependant scientific society (organization) supervised by King Saud University and is concerned with all aspects and domains of food sciences and nutrition including, food safety, food laws, rules, and legislations; food processing, manufacture, transport, storage distribution and marketing; community nutrition, clinical nutrition and food services and catering; and food science and nutrition education. The society is stationed in the department of Food Science and Nutrition – College of Food and Agricultural Sciences – King Saud University, Riyadh city, and can have branches in other places if necessary.

Article 3


The society is aspiring to achieve the following goals:

  • Development and furtherance of scientific thought and technology in food and nutrition areas.
  • Facilitate and effectuate scientific and professional communication between society members.
  • Improvement of scientific and professional performance of The Saudi Society for Food and Nutrition members.
  • Offering scientific and technical advisory in the fields of food science and nutrition.
  • Education of consumers and community serving as regards food and nutrition domains.
  • Ease and facilitating exchange of scientific technology tradition and knowledge in the fields of food and nutrition, between local and foreign organizations and institutions.

Article 4

Society Activities

To execute inspired objectives, the society shall use all possible and appropriate means, and particularly though practicing of the following activities:

  • Encouraging conduction of scientific research and/or scientific studies necessary for the enhancement of application practicing.
  • Encouraging writing and translation of scientific books dealing with food sciences, nutrition, and other relevant domains of knowledge.
  • Preparation, writing and publishing of studies, new letters, articles, and scientific periodical / journals related to food and nutrition.
  • Organization and launching of local and international conferences, symposiums, seminars, training sessions, workshops and scientific meetings on food and nutrition purviews and stretches.
  • Participation and contribution in local and international exhibitions, conferences, symposiums, workshops, scientific meetings addressing food and nutrition issues and topics.
  • Summons and inviting participation and scientists, intellectuals’ contribution of in society activities according to regulating measures and procedures.
  • Organization of scientific trips and launching scientific contests addressing food and nutrition aspects.
  • Exploiting and use of media in education and culturing.

Article 5


Membership is offered by the Administrative Board, starts from the beginning of financial year and end in with its end. Membership fees should be paid with the beginning of the year. Types of membership are four:

A) Honorary membership:

Awarded on approval of the society general assembly to persons and organization / institutions companies who have donated material or services to the society or those who have contributed to developing food and nutrition in any way.

Advantages of honorary memberships institutions / companies who adopted and undertaken of contributions and supported the monetary establishment and have continued funding of the society are:

  • Display of their names and slogans in an appropriate and apparent position in the society website and socially advertising publications such as journals, pamphlets, newsletters, and posters whenever issued.
  • Display of their names and slogans during society meetings, symposiums, and conferences in a continuous consistent manner.
  • An honorary member has the right to declare his membership in his printed materials and advertisements.
  • An honorary company member will receive 5 free full memberships (with all advantages/privileges) to be given 5 of its employees, together with 5 copies of all printed matters and publications including their subscriptions.

Subscription fees:

The least annual fee for honorary member is RS 25000 and it can be more.

Name of honorary members shall be listed in decending order the highest contribution first, and if two are equal, the order shall be based on starting date of membership.

Honorary membership shall be deleted on sensation of annual Monterey contribution.

Privileges of individual honorary member:
  • Free of charge membership.
  • Honorary member is welcomed to attain and participate in all society activities and is granted free copy of each society publication.

B) Professional membership:

Offered to (who are willing) graduates of food science and nutrition and relevant sciences for SR100 annual fees.

Privileges of professional member (individuals):
  • Attending and participating in all society activities, presented. 30% discount for each society publication.
  • Attendance of society general assembly and share of discussions, nominate and candidacy to board of directors and have the right to vote.

C) Associate affiliate membership:

Companies and institutions establishment affiliate membership is offered to companies and establishments related to society domains and annual membership fee is SR 5000.

Advantages and privilege of affiliate membership companies and establishments:

  • Inclusion of name in the list of supporting companies recognized in society newsletter leaflets publications, after registration.
  • The affiliate member have the right to mention that is/it’s a member in society publications and advertisements.
  • Free (full advantaged) professional membership to three employees and 3 free copies of all publications including membership.


Offered to undergraduates, student and students in relevant specializations (annual members fee SR 50 and SR 25 for undergraduate university students).

Advantages of affiliation membership (Individuals):

  • Attendance and participation in all society activities and obtaining of 30% discount of all society activities fees and shall have the right for nominations candidacy and voting for board of directors.

Article 6

Constitution of Administrative Board

Board of directors shall be constituted from not more than 9 professional members to be elected secretly by the general assembly, at least one 3rd of them should be from King Saud University employees, the rest of members representatives of different secretly as follows:

  • Two members from scientific and research institutions (rather than King Saud University).
  • Two members from other related government institutions.
  • Two members for private sector organization / establishment.

Article 7

Jurisdictions of Administrative

According to the rules regulating scientific societies activities and without discrepancy / contradiction, the board of directors is concerned with decision making and procedures needed to facilitate efficient achievement of goals and undertaking of functions, and particularly responsible for executive following jobs:

  • Suggestion and setting of the internal rules and principles and organizing of activities, presenting for general assembly confirmation approval and adoption.
  • Constituting executive committee delegated with contain authorities from its powers to enable it running usual work and activities of the society.
  • Build of specialized working committees and groups.
  • Proposition of the general policy of the society within the framework of the objection mentioned in this regulation and presenting of these policies to the general assembly for adoption.
  • Set of the membership extending and attraction of new members (individuals, organization, and companies) plan. It is for the administrative board to allocate monetary incentives for who can attract new members being organization establishment, companies, or honorary and/or representative members.
  • Set of an information plan which will facilitate and aid in advertising and acquainting the society, its work and activities.
  • Proposing working plan of the society for the next year.
  • Agreement in launching conferences, symposium, study courses and sessions by virtue of relevant regulation followed by the university.
  • Set or institution of integrated program for conferences, symposium, meeting … etc convened by the society.
  • Study of submitted moral, professional and affiliate membership applications/orders by board of directors, these applications shall be acceptable subject to decision of the administrative board, with the convey of this decision to applicants.
  • Determining annual membership fee and date of its payment.
  • Set of an integrated plan for research, writing of books, translations, studies, newsletters, periodicals, journals, programs and defining subject’s issues, time plans outlines of each.
  • Build and constitution of working teams, committee and commissions of research, studies, journals, periodicals (all publication and projects) society members.
  • Adoption of publication criteria’s, titles of journals and periodical and characteristics identity.
  • Institution of boards of editors and publication.
  • Proposing of society budget.
  • Deciding and defining monetary rewards for members of committees working teams and commissions and defining expenses of each project / program.
  • Acceptance of gifts, donations, grants, and aids.
  • Determining dates of annual meetings and preparation of schedule of activities / works.
  • Preparation of the annual report covering society activities and submission of this report to concerned boards in the university after its sanction / approval by the general assembly.
  • Selection of delegates of administrative board for conferences and/or symposiums … etc.
  • Empowerment of the present or passage of power of his authorities and responsibilities / jobs to one member or group of members and defining duration of the delegation and its purposes.

Article 8

Responsibilities / Jobs of President of Administrative Board

President as stated in rules regulating scientific societies and not contradicting with, is responsible for presidential act of the general assembly and heading of administrative board and is entrusted in:

  • Representing the society with other and deputation in communication with official and nonofficial organization / authorities inside and outside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
  • President is undertaking the general administration of the society, heading the general assemblies board of directors meeting, and discussion of both, as well as supervising and monitoring adherence to and implementing of rules regulating societies and internal rules of the society.
  • Call convocation of general assembly.
  • Reception of formal request / petition to hold / convoking unusual meetings of the administrative board and general assembly.
  • Heading discussions talks and permitting speech by members and presenting / declaration of subjects pending voting and closing of doorway of discussions,
  • Decide to on / settle and have the final word on objections and regularities, and declaration / notion of decisions / decrees.
  • The president has the right to participate in discussions and voting.
  • He is responsible for preparation of next year activity plan and submission of it to board of directors.
  • Heading of committees constituted by board of directors when attending their meetings.
  • Recruitment of personal when needed and determining their wages.
  • Signing research and studies contracts conducted for others.
  • Follow-up and monitoring execution of projects, programs, and contributions of the society in conferences and symposiums.
  • Permitting distribution of pamphlets, circulars, issues (books) and research results according to plan to be prepared by board of directors.
  • Hand signing of exchangeable correspondences and letters between society and others.
  • Write of execution of payments and implementing other monetary procedures within the limits of the budget.
  • Hand signing of important papers including containing financial contracts / obligations and/or moral documents.

Article 9

Responsibilities / Jobs of Vice-President

Conformity with and pursuant to the scientific society’s regulatory rules and without discrepancy / opposition to it, vice-president is entitled to help president in undertaking his jobs and is specially concerned with:

  • Helping president executing his jobs and seconding depute (act on behalf of) him when absent.
  • Undertakes responsibility of attracting new members (individuals, organization, and companies).
  • Any other tasks delegated by the president in accordance with clauses of the regulating rules of scientific societies and internal regulations.

Article 10

Responsibilities of Board Secretary

In accordance with the societies regulating rules, the board secretary is responsible for all tasks entrusted / vested by president and for him specially are:

  • Helping president in managing the society.
  • Calling for board meetings according to work schedule and memorandums presented to him after approval by president.
  • Review and check of rules regulating societies activities and internal rules and others set and affected by board of directors and confirmation of compliance as regard whatever issued by general assembly, board of directors and other committees.
  • Follow of request members requirements and correspondence and answers / responses to them.
  • Supervision of sub-committees and follow-up its activities and reporting about it to board of directors.
  • Redaction / compilation of board of directors and proceeding general assemblies and recording.
  • Writing / drafting of budget annual report and presenting to board of directors for endorsement / passage.
  • Reading / recitation of decisions and recommendations and its distribution to both general assembly and board of directors.
  • All what delegated, by president without disagreeing / inconsistency with the rules regulating scientific societies and internal rules regulating the society activities.

Article 11

Responsibilities of (Financial Treasurer)

Treasurer is responsible for all monetary aspects including resources or expenditures, and he has the following:

  • Keeping safe (guarding) of financial and accounting records and compliance with based on society incomes / resources and expenditures.
  • Supervision of membership record and following of payments / defrayals of subscriptions.
  • Receipt of subscriptions membership, publication, and activities charges.
  • Drafting and issuing treasury / money orders and check for all due money and hand-signing by president beside his signature.
  • Depositing of society money in one of the local banks and hand signing with the present in all financial papers.
  • Purchase of all society requirement within limits set by the approbated budget / funds.
  • Preparation of budget annual report and submission to board of directors for endorsement and conformation and presenting to general assembly in its usual annual meeting.
  • Any other authorization considered by board of directors or delegated by president.

Article 12

Branches of the Society

First: Members in different regions of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia have the right to establish branches foe the society in their localities and this establishments are subject to:

-Placing of written order signed by at least 20 members, requesting establishment of the branches. The order should include the following information:

  1. Names addresses, and telephones of members suggesting establishment of the branch.
  2. Names, addresses, and telephones of nominated members of the board of directors of the suggested branch.
  3. Identification of the region covered by the branch activities.
  4. Rules regulating branch activities should be in an agreement with the general rules regulating scientific societies in universities and in accordance with the internal rules of the society, as well.
  5. Establishment of the branch is subject to society administrative board approval.

Second: Board of directors can decide resolving a branch or branches in the following situations:

– Failure of the branch in executing activities according to regulatory rules.

– Failure to maintain the number of members needed for its establishment, which was defined in the first paragraph which came in heading “First” of the twelfth article.

Article 13

Society Representatives

The board of directors has the right to appoint / recruit representatives in regions and cities or institutions / establishments where food and nutrition specialist are present, and according to the following:

First: Responsibilities of representatives:

  • To be a connecting link between the society and its members in the locality of the representative.
  • Provide information and publications to members.
  • Provide members, concerned persons and specialists names, addresses, and telephones to the society administration.
  • Work for attracting concerned persons and specialists.
  • Coordination of scientific and cultural activities of the society.
  • Representing (on deputization by the society) the society in activities and meetings related to food and nutrition.

Secondly: Conditions for representatives’ representation of the society:

  1.  To be an active member of the Saudi Society for Food and Nutrition.
  2. To be a specialized and expert in food and nutrition.
  3. To comply with and be committed to the jobs and responsibilities of a representative for one year possibility renewable.

Thirdly: The representative is exempted from annual subscriptions.

Article 14


First: The board of directors have the right to establish committees which can contribute in achieving society objectives, whose members should be from the society members, the number of members of each committee shall be determined by the administrative board.

Secondly: Each committee member should not be less than 3.

Thirdly: Committee should be continually connected with corresponding with the board of directors’ secretary to whom committee meetings, proceedings and annual report is handled.

Article 15

Society meetings

First: Society and board of directors’ meetings are held according to what has come in article (8) and article (13) in order, of the regulating rules of the Saudi university’s scientific societies.

Secondly: It is the responsibility of the administrative board to prepare work schedule of the annual meeting of the general assembly, which should include the following:

  • The annual report for the administrative board covering society activities.
  • Society account for the passed year and its endorsement.
  • Proposed next year budget and its passage.
  • Suggestion forwarded from members to modify internal rules regulating activities and works of the Saudi Society for Food and Nutrition (if any).
  • Next year activities program.
  • Election of members of the new administrative board at the end of its third year.

Article 16

Discussion rules

The following discussion regulation rules shall be adopted by both general assembly and administrative board:

  • It is for the president to all heads of societies committees and commissions to deliver a declaration on behave of their committees or commissions that are during meetings which confer / deliberate and discuss issues related to responsibilities of these committees / commissions.
  • President calls members to deliver their speech in the order of their requests to talk.
  • It is conceivable to give a committee / commission head reported a priority / precedence to speak if necessary.
  • It is for the president to define allowable time duration of speech to each.
  • Speaker, if possible, the president shall read the list of names of member requesting to talk and he can declare closing the list (on permission from members).
  • It is for the president to give chances to those who want to answer after list closing if necessary.
  • It is for any member to raise a disciplinary objection and it for the president to decide on that immediately.
  • It is possible to appeal presidential judgment which shall be voted immediately.

Article 17

Stopping termination of a meeting or postponing discussion

The following rules should be applied to terminate a meeting or postponing discussion of / on general assembly and administrative board:

  • It is for any member to suggest stopping or postponing of a meeting, and if seconded / (a motion) it should be voted immediately.
  • It is for any member to request ending discussion of any issue / subject under discussion, and such a suggestion should have a priority and suggester should have the chance / allowed to show his opinion.
  • It is for any member to suggest termination of discussion and is for the president to decide on that and stop discussions on approval of most attendants.
  • The president should consider giving the following suggestion top priority / preference and in order:
  1. Postponing of discussions.
  2. Ending discussions.
  3. Postponing the meeting.
  4. Stopping the meeting.

Article 18


The following rules of voting should be applied on general assembly and administrative board meetings:

  • More taken by majority (have number of decision) voters + 1 and if votes are equal the president vote will out weight.
  • An abstaining member from voting is considered a non voter.
  • Voting is either by raising hand or secret vote up to the president to chose.
  • If the result is doughtful the president can decide on repeating the voting.
  • Suggestions including a modification to an already submitted suggestion (to the general assembly or administrative board) should have the priority of placing to voting. And the start shall be with the most for a way modification from the original suggestion, the president shall set the modifications in order accordingly. Modification of a suggestion means any addition or subtraction or change in the wording of the suggestion presented to the meeting.

Article 19

Modification of internal regulatory rules of the Saudi Society for Food and Nutrition

First: It is up to any member to suggest modifications to the internal rules regulating the Saudi Society for Food and Nutrition on condition that, the modification is filed to the president of the administrative board written, and in not less than 10 days from the date of convene of the usual general assembly.

Second: Members should be informed about the suggested modifications (by the president) before the date of the annual general assembly meeting in no more than 30 days before its summons.

Third: These modifications are accepted by voting of 2/3 (two third) of attending general assembly members.

Forth: These modifications become part of the internal regulatory rules of the Saudi Society for Food and Nutrition and the internal rules shall be distributed to members after modifications.

Article 20

General Provisions

  • These internal rules should be followed / used without contradiction with rules regulating the scientific societies.
  • Explanation of internal rules regulating the Saudi Society for Food and Nutrition is a right of the administrative board.
  • The internal rules governing the Society come into effect after approval by the general assembly and the consent of the university director.